Top 10 Housing Markets That WON’T Crash in 2024


In 2024, certain housing markets in the United States are poised to remain robust despite economic uncertainties and shifts. We examine the key factors influencing these markets and identify the top 10 housing markets that are expected to thrive.



Key Investment Drivers

To determine the most resilient housing markets, we consider eight critical investment drivers:


  1. Interest Rates and Cost to Capital: Current high costs for both equity and debt impact affordability and investment potential.
  2. Construction and Renovation Costs: The rising cost of building materials and labor affects new developments.
  3. Land Costs and Property Taxes: These vary significantly by region and influence overall investment returns.
  4. Operational Costs: Including labor costs and regulatory environment (NIMBYism – “Not In My Backyard”).
  5. Population, Job, and Income Growth: Strong economic indicators drive housing demand.
  6. State and Local Taxes: Favorable tax environments attract both businesses and residents.
  7. Infrastructure and Transportation: Ease of access and transportation is crucial for market growth.

Major Concerns for 2024


Housing Markets


Several economic factors are anticipated to influence housing markets:

  1. Household Savings Rates: Below normal levels, potentially reducing consumer spending on housing.
  2. Student Loan Payments: Resumption could limit disposable income for potential homebuyers.
  3. Oil Prices: Affecting transportation and overall economic stability.
  4. Bank Lending Standards: Tightening due to recent bank failures and commercial property maturities.

Top 10 Housing Markets for 2024

Based on these factors, the following markets are expected to perform well:

  1. Nashville, Tennessee
    • Rapid population growth and a thriving job market.
    • Favorable tax environment and lower operational costs.
  2. Phoenix, Arizona
    • Significant population influx and robust economic growth.
    • High demand for residential and rental properties.
  3. Dallas, Texas
    • Strong job market and corporate relocations.
    • Affordable housing compared to other major metros.
  4. Atlanta, Georgia
    • High population growth and a major transportation hub.
    • Diverse economy with a strong job market.
  5. Austin, Texas
    • Booming tech industry and a young, educated workforce.
    • High demand for both residential and commercial properties.
  6. San Diego, California
    • Desirable climate and quality of life.
    • Strong job market, particularly in tech and healthcare.
  7. Boston, Massachusetts
    • Renowned education and healthcare sectors.
    • High demand for housing in a historically stable market.
  8. San Antonio, Texas
    • Affordable housing and strong job growth.
    • Increasing popularity as a relocation destination.
  9. Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
    • Thriving tech and research sectors.
    • High population growth and affordable living costs.
  10. Seattle, Washington
    • Strong job market driven by tech giants.
    • High demand for housing despite regulatory challenges.

Demographic Trends and Migration Patterns

Population Growth

  • The South has driven the majority of population growth, accounting for 87% of the nation’s growth.
  • Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia are top states for numeric growth.

Migration Insights

  • States like California, New York, and Illinois have seen significant population declines.
  • Texas, Florida, and the Carolinas are gaining the most new residents.

Factors Influencing Market Stability

  1. High Demand and Low Supply: Markets with growing populations and limited housing supply will see rising prices.
  2. Economic and Job Growth: Areas with diverse and robust economies are less likely to experience a housing crash.
  3. Infrastructure Development: Investments in transportation and infrastructure support long-term growth.


In 2024, the housing markets in Nashville, Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, Austin, San Diego, Boston, San Antonio, Raleigh-Durham, and Seattle are expected to be resilient and continue to grow. These markets are driven by strong economic fundamentals, favorable demographic trends, and high demand for housing. Investors should pay close attention to these areas and consider the underlying factors that contribute to their stability and growth.

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  1. Why are these housing markets expected to remain strong in 2024?
    • These markets have strong economic fundamentals, population growth, and high demand for housing.
  2. What are the main risks to these markets?
    • Economic downturns, changes in interest rates, and tightening lending standards could impact these markets.
  3. How do demographic trends affect housing markets?
    • Population growth and migration patterns influence housing demand and prices.
  4. What should investors consider when choosing a market?
    • Economic indicators, population trends, tax environments, and infrastructure development are key factors.
  5. How can I stay updated on housing market trends?
    • Follow industry reports, economic forecasts, and local market analyses.

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